Success Stories

Read inspiring stories and testimonials that highlight the positive impact of the Wilderness Youth Challenge Program (WYCP) on the lives of at-risk youth.

Heartfelt testimonials from participants and sponsors:

"The ten days in the wilderness helped me realize my potential and taught me how to make better decisions. The solo camping experience was challenging, but it made me stronger and more self-aware."

— Participant Testimonial

"Sponsoring a youth through WYCP was a rewarding experience. Seeing the positive changes in the youth we supported and reading their letters of appreciation was incredibly fulfilling."

— Sponsor Testimonial

Case Study 1

  • A youth referred by Alberta Hospital, identified as a suicide risk.

  • Successfully completed the program with the help of WYCP's risk management procedures, developing skills to manage personal issues and avoid relapse into high-risk behaviours.

Case Study 2

  • A young girl sponsored by Dairy Queen Ltd.

  • Took an LNT approach to voluntarily cleaning their parking lot and picnic area for an entire summer, demonstrating responsibility and community service.

Sponsor Appreciation Letter

  • Example Letter

    "Dear Sponsor, Thank you for giving me the chance to participate in the WYCP. This experience has changed my life. I learned so much about myself and how to take care of the environment. Your support means everything to me."

Measurable Outcomes

  • Two out of five youths from programs delivered between 2009 and 2013 have avoided relapse back into high-risk behaviour.

  • An average of four out of six participants achieve complete program graduation recognition, with all participants gaining some measure of success from their wilderness experience.

Long-Term Impact

    • Many youths continue to engage with WYCP long after completing the program.

    • Graduates have the opportunity to return as volunteers and qualify for an excursion to Costa Rica, where they contribute to the largest ECO training center in the country.

    • This continued involvement helps reinforce the skills learned and provides ongoing support for relapse prevention.

How You Can Help